Thursday, September 30, 2010

You boring people

So.. Haven't written a blog in a while.. it's not for lack of hatred towards the general public.. That's still there in full force.. It's strictly because of boredom... I'm really fucking BORED!!!

I'm not really bored with my life.. I have a great life.. If I actually believed in anything holy.. I'd say I lead a blessed life... The boredom is primarily from my surroundings and the lame people that inhabit them. This city is really fucking boring..

"You need to get out.. do stuff.. meet people!!!" That is POINTLESS!

This city I live in (for the time being) is plagued by this weird sense of entitlement/conservativeness... It's in it's people.

I know every city has assholes.. People too busy searching for something reflective to check themselves out in at a bar then look you in the eyes while you're talking to them... but Toronto has something especially lame going on...

Not only are people "too cool".. but they have NO OPINION.. they have no ambition.. They have no balls.

I have yet to meet a real "loud mouth prick"...willing to say the wrong thing in a crowded room for a reaction.. If someone would actually take a chance at being a little "hated"... Then there'd be something entertaining about this boring fucking town..

NO.. everyone is too busy making sure they look and sound exactly like everyone else... Oh.. I know there's a hipster somewhere reading this in his extra large baggy muscle shirt, parachute pants and an 80's bike messenger hat thinking to himself.. "Thank god I'm different and interesting".. but YOU sir are part of the problem..

Well that and ... the lack of competition in this city.. No one is willing to stand on someone's neck to get ahead here... like our wonderful neighbours to the south.. I know that might sound like a slam to the Yanks.. but it's not.. I LOVE the States for this mentality... It's exciting.

People take chances/risks in the States on everything.. not only in business.. but socially.. They're sometimes loud and obnoxious but always opinionated... This creates a greater chance for them to actually be interesting.. and well.. FUCKING FUN.

Just once I'd like to go out here and meet someone who says something sooo offensive (in the name of humour) that I'm taken off guard and actually shocked... JUST ONCE..

Until then I'll just be bored.. well... until my next visit to the US.


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