Tuesday, May 12, 2009


I've admitted that I'm an asshole. It's true. I'm a jackass that enjoys a good laugh... A lot of the time at expense of someone else... but this doesn't mean I'm not a nice guy.

I think it's important for people to laugh at others and roll with it when people laugh at them. It's a good way to go through life. Everything becomes a joke and people take the piss out of each other.. This is the world I want to live in at least. I've said it before and I'll say it again. If people were more like Larry David this place would be a lot more fun.

BUT here's the thing.

As much as I'm an asshole, I enjoy common courtesies. I like being polite when people are serving me my food or I like allowing a woman to go a head of me in line... Helping with a stroller down a flight of stairs.. these are things I like to do.. not patting myself on the back here.. it's just how I was raised... It makes me feel like a human being.

SO.. When someone opens a door for you, you say "Thank you" or "Thanks".. you don't do what so many old bitchy Portuguese women do in my area... which is grunt and waddle past you... making sure not to look you in the eye. What the fuck is that? How hard is it to say "Thank you, young man." ? Stupid cunts... I mean I've lived in some big cities and I know people can get in their own worlds.. but come on.. fuck

It's like people are scared to interact with each other. They don't strike up conversations with their grocery store check out lady anymore.. I have a GREAT one.. I talk with her every time I hit the Dominion on College street. Her name's Sharon and she's a GEM!.. She always has something funny to say and I like to throw it right back... She'll tell me about her recent trip to Mexico and I'll ask her how many tequila shots it took her to get topless and dance on a bar. She LOVES it and laughs her ass off. She's always telling me about her kids... asking what's new in my world.. We have 53 seconds together.. enjoy each others company and we move on.. I LOVE IT.. but.. Sharon is a rare being.. usually when you try and strike up a conversation with a teller or the guy at the gas station they look at you like you farted in their mouth...

listen. I get working a bullshit job is a pain in the ass.. You don't want some punk giving you a hard time.. but fucking lighten up people.. Say thank you next time someone holds the door. Ask your coffee barista how their weekend was.. fucking talk to people and make some jokes..
And the next time some old Japanese lady pushes her way on the subway and nails you with her plastic bags without saying "excuse me" or "sorry". I give you full permission to punch that bitch in the face.



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